Friday, June 22, 2007

...And Speaking of Flaming in Comments Sections...

I while back (up until last month) I was involved in a commercial for MTN. Officially, I'm not yet allowed to reveal what and how much we (Wicked Pixels) are responsible for. That will be revealed at the end of this month. features an article (which, I must say, does skew one or two facts a bit). Anyway, its spawned quite the flame war in the comments section, and it appears that Wicked has been taking the most flak.

The reason is that the commercial is inspired by a YouTube video of similar concept. But then, the entire new MTN campaign is based around YouTube, and doesn't try to hide it.

I've been able to distance myself from the whole thing, and forced myself not to get involved. But I do feel like I need to clear up a bit of confusion.

Wicked Pixels is an animation house. We animate commercials. We don't conceptualize commercials. That would be the agency's job. The agency responsible is Metro Rep (if you've read the article you'd know this).
I therefore fail to see why Wicked is being flamed for the concept. And yes, you could say the concept was 'stolen', and you might be right. But if you're gonna shovel around blame, at least aim it at the guilty party.

But hey, exposure is exposure, either way.

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