Thursday, September 08, 2005

More about me

Okay, it's time to own up.

I spend my days clicking a mouse-button in an animation studio called Wicked Pixels. I've been clicking that mouse-button for over 3 years now. I'm told my clicking occasionally produce stuff that gets shown on television, even cinema, but I'll deny it if anyone asks. The studio is doing well, getting more and more work from overseas, but go check the website for more on that.

In my spare time I get up to all sorts of stuff, but my computer keeps reminding me that I'm actually supposed to be working on my shortfilm. I seem to be making up more and more excuses to stall the project, though. The latest excuse is that GTA San Andreas is much more interesting. Ah well.

I'm in the process of digging up dirt to show here, I promise.

1 comment:

*~*Michelle*~* said...

Your job sounds neat!